Josephine Cochrane, the history of the woman who invented the dishwasher.

Josephine Cochrane, the history of the woman who invented the dishwasher.
In case you missed it, M. Alessandra Papa's popular science talk in Italian about gravitational-wave astronomy and the “cosmic symphony” is available online: [Invidous]
Tonight: Outreach event in Italian
Public talk by M. Alessandra Papa, leader of the independent @maxplanckgesellschaft research group “Continuous Gravitational Waves” about “Astronomia Gravitazionale: la sinfonia cosmica e la ricerca delle melodie nascoste” as part of the “i venerdi dell'universo”.
21 February 2025, 21:00 CET
In-person event at Sala Estense, Piazza del Municipio, Ferrara.
YouTube livestream:
This Friday: Outreach event in Italian
Public talk by M. Alessandra Papa, leader of the independent @maxplanckgesellschaft research group “Continuous Gravitational Waves” about “Astronomia Gravitazionale: la sinfonia cosmica e la ricerca delle melodie nascoste” as part of the “i venerdi dell'universo”.
21 February 2025, 21:00 CET
In-person event at Sala Estense, Piazza del Municipio, Ferrara.
YouTube livestream:
Outreach event in Italian
Public talk by M. Alessandra Papa, leader of the independent @maxplanckgesellschaft research group “Continuous Gravitational Waves” about “Astronomia Gravitazionale: la sinfonia cosmica e la ricerca delle melodie nascoste” as part of the “i venerdi dell'universo”.
21 February 2025, 21:00 CET
In-person event at Sala Estense, Piazza del Municipio, Ferrara.
YouTube livestream:
There has been a whole slew of new non-fiction releases this week, from biography to ancient history to current events to science, all awaiting your browsing pleasure over the weekend.
Vision Pro: Innovation des Jahres 2024
Apple’s Vision Pro wurde von Popular Science als eine der wichtigsten Innovationen des Jahres 2024 ausgezeichnet. Trotz seines hohen Preises und anfänglicher Markt-Herausforderungen hebt sich das Headset durch seinen revolutionären
#News #Vision #AppleVisionPro #ARHeadsets #AugmentedReality #InnovationDesJahres #PopularScience #SpatialComputing #Technologiepreise #VisionPro
Vision Pro: Innovation des Jahres 2024
Apple’s Vision Pro wurde von Popular Science als eine der wichtigsten Innovationen des Jahres 2024 ausgezeichnet. Trotz seines hohen Preises und anfänglicher Markt-Herausforderungen hebt sich das Headset durch seinen revolutionären
#News #Vision #AppleVisionPro #ARHeadsets #AugmentedReality #InnovationDesJahres #PopularScience #SpatialComputing #Technologiepreise #VisionPro
Vision Pro: Innovation des Jahres 2024
Apple’s Vision Pro wurde von Popular Science als eine der wichtigsten Innovationen des Jahres 2024 ausgezeichnet. Trotz seines hohen Preises und anfänglicher Markt-Herausforderungen hebt sich das Headset durch seinen revolutionären
#News #Vision #AppleVisionPro #ARHeadsets #AugmentedReality #InnovationDesJahres #PopularScience #SpatialComputing #Technologiepreise #VisionPro
I want to convince a family member to get on #Mastodon. To do so, I could need some help. What are good accounts to follow for
- #demcracy / #society
- #education / #kindergarten
- #climate / #climatechange
- #science / #popularscience in general (think ”I fucking love science” on Facebook)
Preferably news feeds and link-posting accounts.
Maybe someone here can help a colleague:
Anyone knows of a good article, for the general public, explaining BLAST and their uses?
They are preparing a bioinformatics course, and they want to end by giving an example of popularization on a bioinfo subject.
#PopularScience Januar 1963, S. 166
(TL;DR: gebrauchtes Motoröl im Garten versickern lassen)
New map of half the known universe shines with cosmic energy
More than one million sources of energy are featured in the first X-ray images from the eROSITA space telescope.
Having a productive day so far.
#unpacking... #moving #forrestmims #popularscience #mechanixillustrated
Kennt Ihr Tim Blackburn? Ich bisher nicht, bis ich 'The Jewel Box' gelesen hab. - Worum es geht? "Die Grundlagen der Ökologie erklärt anhand der Nachtfalter in einer Lichtfalle". Wunderbar. - Warum? Lest es hier:
End of an Era: Popular Science Shutters Magazine - Just three years after the iconic magazine abandoned its print version and went al... - #hackadaycolumns #popularscience #magazine #print #news
Что такое энтропия или почему существует жизнь и время?
(моё мнение о научно-популярном видео)
Наткнулся недавно на видео с объяснением того, что такое энтропия
Что могу сказать - это одно из самых захватывающих научно-популярных видео, которые я посмотрел в последнее время. Оно укрепило некоторые идеи, о которых я уже давно думаю и дало мне новую пищу для размышлений.
Первая половина видео достаточно скучная (где объясняется работа парового двигателя), но ближе к середине повествование начинает ускоряться и затрагиваются более интересные для меня темы, такие как жизнь, вероятность, время и вселенная.
Рекомендую к просмотру!
It’s book launch day
It’s pretty good. You might want to buy a copy!
Just one month to go!
Looking forward to seeing our book out in the wild.