#HoChiMinh, then known as Nguyen Ai Quoc, in #France in 1919 to advocate for the independence of #Vietnam.
Once again arrogant West didn't get the message.
#HoChiMinh, then known as Nguyen Ai Quoc, in #France in 1919 to advocate for the independence of #Vietnam.
Once again arrogant West didn't get the message.
Eine Stunde #History - Deutschlandfunk Nova: 1969 - Todestag von #HoChiMinh #Vietnam
« De la Cochinchine au Tonkin, c’est une histoire de prêtres en mission et de colons à la conquête de nouveaux marchés. C’est aussi l’#histoire d'une lutte pour l’indépendance quand, avec #HôChiMinh, l'#Indochine voit rouge. Sans oublier bien sûr la #BatailleDeDiênBiênPhu… anatomie d'une chute ! »
#GuerreDIndochine #Vietnam #Cambodge #ColonisationFrançaise #décolonisation #ViolencesColoniales #DiênBiênPhu #VietMinh #LuttesAnticoloniales #HistFR #documentaire
1963: #SouthVietnam
"The #PentagonPapers, chock full of damning revelations about America’s war in #Vietnam, caused a sensation when The New York Times published them in 1971. One revelation was that the CIA had funded and encouraged the 1963 #coup against, and #assassination of, the president of South Vietnam, #NgoDinhDiem.
"By 1963, the United States had sent thousands of U.S. soldiers to Vietnam to fight the northern communist government led by President #HoChiMinh. The U.S. initially supported Diem because he was fighting the north. However, Diem’s persecution of Buddhists made him an unpopular ruler, leading the Kennedy administration to doubt Diem’s ability to win the war. The coup and Diem’s assassination took place in early November 1963, just a few weeks before Kennedy’s assassination."
Actually listen to:
#Communism in Power
From #Stalin to #Mao
Lectures by Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius
Actually I am finished with the Kim Family, topic now is #HoChiMinh
Ho Chi Minh City chilling.
Two cycle-taxi cabbies taking a mid-day break in the shade beside a tall iron park fence.