If you don’t like what Google is doing, spend a few moments seeing if some non-Google alternatives work for you:
Android —> GrapheneOS, /e/, Droidian, and more
Chrome —> Firefox, Safari, (Lynx :))
Docs —> cryptpad, Nextcloud docs, Collabora online
Drive —> Nextcloud
Gmail —> protonmail, mail from someone like Mythic Beasts
Search —> DuckDuckGo, StartPage
You don’t have to change everything at once, or commit to anything immediately. But it is Google, so you may be forced to move at some point!
@neil I wonder if anyone uses #sailfishos on their phone (ignoring the Russian fork obviously)
@jonpsp @neil #SailfishOS is my daily driver. I am not a high app affine person. So I can already cover a lot with it. For some applications, however, I need the ability to run Android apps. In some cases also MicroG.